Quality first of all
Only from good milk can a good product be born, this is the phrase that summarizes our work in the most effective way: only from careful selection and extreme care of the milk can a product with excellent characteristics be derived. From the centrality of this value, which has inspired us from the beginning, all the rest of our activity arises; and will always remain the cornerstone of our company.
Through a precise and targeted control plan, we are committed to ensuring that buffalo mozzarella complies with the most rigorous hygienic-sanitary parameters, to provide consumers with a safe food product.
Our quality control guarantees product traceability along the entire production chain, organizes and verifies the training of production personnel on correct processing practices and food safety.

Our primary objective is to achieve maximum product quality, using procedures that allow us to manage risk analysis, thus ensuring compliance with food safety regulations.
To ensure the high quality of our products, we have adopted various quality control and improvement procedures, including IFS and BRCS certification.

We are aware that food safety is a priority for our customers and, for this reason, we are constantly committed to improving our production processes and quality controls, in order to guarantee maximum safety and quality of our products.

The certification of "Mozzarella di Bufala Campana" regulates the production of buffalo mozzarella limited to the 5 provinces of Campania and several well-defined municipalities in other regions.

The DOP - "Denominazione di Origine Protetta", protected designation of origin - is attributed to foods whose particular qualitative characteristics essentially depend on the territory.

The International Food Standard aims to encourage the effective selection of GDO branded food suppliers, based on their ability to provide safe products.

The BRC FOOD standard constitutes a model, designed by large-scale retail trade, to verify processing methods and hygiene criteria.

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
Registered for export to the United States.

Organic certification reflects the Reg. CE 834/2007, which defines the production, transformation, labelling, control and certification system in the European Union.

ISO 14001
International certification standard that identifies companies that specify the requirements of an Environmental Management System.